There they are. Those big yellow books have landed on my doorstep again. And again, I must transport them directly to the recycle bin without even taking them out of their protective bag.
I have a foggy recollection of opening one of those, a very long time ago. Maybe I was looking for a record store or a VCR repair shop.
Advertising in the Yellow Pages is not a branding or marketing maneuver. It is purely lead generation and a very expensive one at that.
The average cost of a Yellow Pages advertisement in a print and online version is about $50 per month for the no-frills version. If you opt for larger reach or better ad placement, your price goes up from there. Then, you can add some color or a border and you have invested an enormous amount of money in an ad that is hidden in a tome (read: “tomb”) that is most often used as a doorstop or a booster seat.
The online version may get you noticed by people who are searching for your practice by name, but, wouldn’t you rather them visit your website directly? I’m trying to help you here.
Marketing dollars are better spent on advertising to your existing patients. It costs 6-7 times more to acquire a new patient than to retain and upsell an existing one. Moreover, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60% vs 5%-20% for a new prospect.
Also, the top influence factor in healthcare or cosmetic service provider selection is “family and friend recommendation.” So, maybe your patient, sitting in your waiting room right now, doesn’t need the service you’re promoting, but she probably knows someone who does and can “recommend” you to them.
Cha-Ching. Your marketing budget is paying off and you’re saving trees!
It’s all possible with Mediplay. Click here to learn more.