You must make certain the information that your patients are getting about COVID-19 is accurate and actionable.
The trusted sources for this information include the WHO, CDC, NIH and your state’s health advisory boards. Showing this information on your TV screen in your waiting area is the very best way to deliver the recommendations without the hype or the fear.
Mediplay has videos about COVID-19 along with videos about hand washing and infectious disease control and mitigation in our library, ready for you to show on your existing TV.
Along with that, it’s a smart thing to remove all point-of-contact items from your waiting rooms. Those germ filled tablets must be put away! Nobody wanted to touch them before, and certainly not now! All the magazines should be removed as well. Even handouts and pamphlets are not a wise choice for disseminating information during this time of heightened awareness of hand hygiene and the spread of germs.
So, the takeaway is; Don’t touch those tablets or magazines! Don’t touch your face! AND Don’t touch that remote!
Keep your TV tuned into your Mediplay program and give your patients the information they need in a safe way.